Why do you serve THE GODdess?

Read about what a few of My dedicated worshippers have to say about their servitude towards My Perfect Self...

Why do YOU...

Why do I serve GODdess Valentine? There are many reasons which may be listed from my side and from her side. Let's begin from her side. For a dom-sub relation to be a good one first the domme must know what she wants. Goddess Valentine is very clear about this. She wants your complete obedience, devotion and surrender.

Then she should have deep insight into the character of submissive boys. No need to mention SHE is an expert of submissive boys like me. She knows how to handle men to turn them into lovely puppies who find their greatest happiness under serving her perfect self. More than this she treats every single sub privately, taking into account his single character.

Because submissive men are there to provide her comfort, happiness and enjoyment she should let you know how good a living she has by using you. GODdess Valentine is also uniqe and generous in expressing her enjoyment regardless of what you make for her. She takes moment to inform you how she spends your money even in most busy cases which of course makes the subs very happy.

It may seem funny that until now I haven't mentioned yet how beautiful she is. According to my view this is not a must for a domme-sub relation. But GODdess is so beautiful that a man who hasn't got any submissive inclination can find himself serving her. Such a beauty should have her own empire and live in a palace she deserves and have what she wants. That's why I serve her to contribute to such a living.

It is obvious after the explanations above I am very happy serving her. Being obsessed with her makes me happy. Trying to find ways to make her smile makes me happy. In short I can say: I serve her because I can not afford not to do so. GODDESS VALENTINE RULES !


Why do YOU...

There are so many reasons, and so many ways to answer this question, that I hardly know where to begin. I guess the place to start is with the obvious -- GODdess Valentine is painfully, stunningly, breath-takingly, beautiful. The first time I visited Her Royal Website and saw pictures of Her Perfect Self, I was immediately entranced and captivated by Her amazing timeless physical beauty. She is perfect in every way – Her hair, Her lips, Her skin, Her legs, Her feet, Her eyes. Ahhh – what extraordinary eyes She has! It is impossible to look at Her eyes without knowing that one’s place is not as GODdess Valentine’s equal. Her eyes – and just the way in which She looks out at the world – conveys the clear message that She is a true superior GODdess – a woman to be worshiped – a woman to be served – a woman to be pampered and spoiled – a woman to be submitted to and obeyed.

After obsessing for months over GODdess Valentine’s website, I finally worked up the courage to send Her a tribute and email. I have never regretted doing so for a moment. Indeed, my only regret is that it took me so long to send that first tribute!

What I quickly learned is that GODdess Valentine’s incomparable beauty is matched by the superiority of Her Dominant GODdess personality and the creativity of Her Superior GODdess mind. Her life is an amazing one – the kind of life that only a true Dominant GODdess could live. She indulges Her every whim, because She knows that She DESERVES to live a life of comfort and luxury – going to spas, buying expensive lingerie, eating at good restaurants, traveling to exotic locations – and that it is the job of Her submissive pets to devote their lives to making Her extravagant lifestyle possible.

It is, in fact, a PRIVILEGE to be one of the lucky males who have the honor of contributing their time and money and energy to the service of GODdess Valentine’s desires. Fulfillment for me, and for GODdess Valentine’s other pets, comes from knowing that we have done whatever we can to pay for Her GODdess lifestyle – to make it possible for GODdess to have a wonderful beach vacation every winter – for GODdess to be able to buy whatever pretty clothing she desires – for GODdess to be extremely generous with her girlfriends.

One of GODdess Valentine’s most extraordinary characteristics is the way in which she develops a very intense and personal and unique relationship with each of Her pets. I feel a VERY close bond with Her and consider my personal relationship with Her to be the single most significant, and deepest, in my life. GODdess does not just "run a website" – She generously gives Her pets a place within Her life. Of course, there is never any question of the NATURE of Her relationship with Her pets. GODdess doesn’t tolerate even the slightest hint of a puppy not knowing that his place is always far below Hers. She is ALWAYS in control. She is ALWAYS the one whose needs and desires come first. But within that context, She is also amazingly open and generous in sharing Her GODdess lifestyle with Her pets and slaves.

One way in which GODdess shares Her lifestyle with her pets is through her diary. In addition, loyal and devoted pets may also earn the privilege of communicating with GODdess regularly over email, chatting with GODdess online, and sometimes may even have the mind-blowing experience of a webcam session with GODdess. These, and the exquisite "picture of the day," are among the many rewards that I’ve received for my devoted service. However, listing these "good puppy treats" in this way gives a somewhat distorted view of my experience as GODdess Valentine’s pet. As wonderful as these rewards are, I have never served GODdess solely in order to receive these treats. The greatest "treat" for me, as I’m sure it is for all of Her pets, is the feeling of fulfillment that comes from giving all that I can to GODdess. The absolutely best "reward" I can ever receive is the knowledge that I have done something to put a smile on Valentine’s Perfect GODdess face and the acknowledgment from GODdess that She is pleased with my service. A simple "good puppy" and a smiling picture from the utlimate Superior GODdess – that is what I live for and what I work hardest to achieve.

So – again – Why do I serve GODdess Valentine? In a sense – I serve Her because that’s who I am – GODdess Valentine’s pet – Her property – Her slave – Her servant. And in looking back at how much I have changed since my first introduction to GODdess Valentine, I realize that, in many ways, I am also Her creation. GODdess Valentine is a woman of many passions, and foremost among these is Her deeply felt passion for dominating, controlling, and training submissive males to be good and loyal and devoted paypets. GODdess Valentine truly delights in the use of Her female power to manipulate and mold males for Her own self-centered purposes. A submissive male is to Her the way a block of granite or an unfinished canvas is to a great artist – an object to be owned and changed and molded until it takes on the form that is most pleasing to Her Perfect Self. Indeed, that is exactly how I often think of GODdess – as a great artist or sculptor who focuses Her extraordinary creativity and talent on the task of enslaving and training males (like me) to serve Her as She desires and deserves to be served.

Thank You GODdess. Thank You for the privilege of submitting to Your will and for the privilege of being trained to become a better and better paypet in service to Your Perfect Self.


Why do YOU...

I serve You GODdess not simply because You are so beautiful; it's how You are beautiful. There are many ways of being beautiful: beautiful black girls, Asian girls, beautiful brunettes etc etc. Perceptions of beauty are so subjective but there's something special to me about Your beauty, GODdess. I know if I'd spent an hour or two with a police artist trying to come up with my perfect woman, the sort of woman I'd fall hopelessly in love with just at the sight of her, (even if I had no idea before what she was going to look like) he'd eventually have drawn You, GODdess: the shape of Your gorgeous eyes, their exact shade of blue, the shape of Your mouth, Your lips, Your flawless porcelain skin, Your hair and Your magnificent figure; all would have been the same. Everything about You, GODdess, hits every visual button I've got; it's as if it's physically impossible for me not to adore You. I know without any doubt that I will never see a woman who is more beautiful to me than You are GODdess.

But that only half answers the question. The other half of the answer is simply that serving You feels so wonderful. You are like every girl I saw at school, or since for that matter, who was so beautiful it tore my heart to look at her because I knew I was simply beneath her notice and that I could never approach her; girls I could only adore silently from afar though I ached to tell them how beautiful they were and how I adored them and would do anything for them. Now girls like that are less than half my age if I dared to say any such thing it would be completely misunderstood. But though You are only 20 and so very beautiful, GODdess You allow and encourage me to express my feelings for You, to tell You how beautiful You are and how much I adore You, to send You gifts and even to buy You clothes. And it feels so wonderful to be able to tell You these things, GODess, and to be able to send You things and buy things for You. You accept my lovesick compliments and my gifts with such grace and charm that it only adds to the pleasure I feel in serving You.

I know You are completely unattainable, GODdess, and that I am utterly beneath You; but to see You is to worship You, GODdess and to be allowed to worship You is a incalculable privilege.


Why do YOU...

Where to begin singing your oh so well deserved praises? GODdess Valentine is a truly magnificent woman whose beauty, creativity, energy, intelligence, and class make all men who know her, including submissive puppies like myself, stand (or, I should say, kneel) in awe before her.

GODdess is unique in so many ways. First, she is entirely original and creative, always coming up with things that are new and fresh. She never relies on the kind of overworked, overdone things that so many women who present as dominant rely on. She never resorts to brutal barrages of filthy words, but rather softly weaves her web around you in her own unique way. In fact, because of this, when she does, in fact, get a bit stern and command you to shape up, to recognize that you are here to serve her rather than your own needs, or to do a task for her, she takes your breath away and you can think only of making her happy and of how fortunate you are and how grateful you feel that you are in her service.

Then of course there is GODdess' voice. Her audio recordings, again never with any harsh domination, are so thrilling, her laugh so devastating, her instructions leading you to want nothing more but to fulfill them, that you find yourself repeating her words over and over in your mind and find yourself returning again and again to her recordings. If you had any defenses up, any resistance, to giving yourself entirely to her, these recordings will erase them very quickly as you come to feel the desperate need to throw yourself at her feet in service. I want to thank GODdess again and again for the gift of these recordings.

And there is GODdess' beauty as seen in the photos she graciously sends. Again, no typical femdom outfits as there is no need and they would, in fact, detract from who she is and what she is about -- a most beautiful woman who with her photos of herself in her hotel, on a balcony, about to eat a meal, or whatever devastates you with that beauty, with that smile, with that great energy, and with her wonderful facial expressions. And here too one can only thank her for sending these gifts of her photos to her puppies who will want to get down on their knees at their computer screens and beg GODdess for permission to kiss even the tip of her shoe. When she looks into the camera, looks into your eyes and into your soul, and beams with her beautiful smile, all you want is to express your deep gratitude to her that she allows you in her world and allows you to serve her. Which brings me to one last point for now.

All that GODdess is and does, leaves you with one overarching and overwhelming desire and need -- to continue to serve her, to continue to please her, to continue to adore her, to continue to obey her, and, as she especially wishes along with the rest, to work for her and send her as much tribute as you possibly can. I have reached the point at which I adore her completely and wish to serve her in the best ways and to the fullest extent possible. I am sending her tribute regularly and will continue to do so. I want to send her tribute, I need to send her tribute, as is only fitting when it comes to worshiping such a magnificent GODdess who has allowed you the privilege of serving her.


Why do YOU...

There are many reasonable, intelligent people who consider beauty to be a sort of extravagance that nature bestows on a chosen few with no other benefit than to make life more pleasant for the recipient. A bit more thought, however, leads to the inescapable conclusion that beautiful people are not only gifted, they are the gift. Without their presence, the dull and ordinary lives of the average human would be unbearable. We, all of us ordinary people, owe not only a debt of gratitude, but a debt of servitude to the truly beautiful people of this world. And for me, personally, all the beauty in the world has been focused and distilled into the absolutely perfect form of Valentine DeVille! For that reason I serve Her joyously and without reservation.

When I am granted the privilege of looking at a photograph or video of this Goddess, my chest tightens, my heart beats faster and my spirit soars. Those full, inviting lips inspire me to try and be more than I am. Those beautiful, blue, all-seeing eyes move me to try and achieve something worthwhile to lay at Her feet as tribute to Her matchless beauty. Her beauty and perfection push my imperfect and ordinary self to try harder to be worthy of sharing the planet with such an obviously superior being. And simply knowing that our planet is home to such a fabulous creature lends a certain zest to my otherwise humdrum existence.

Humanity has been gifted with great minds who have changed the course of history and have helped us to understand our universe. We have received great talents who have satisfied our aesthetic needs. Many heroes have performed great and wonderful deeds to improve our lot in life and to maintain our security. All these -- the DaVincis, the Einsteins, the so-called great men and women of history -- all of these would be absolutely meaningless without the Valentine DeVilles of history.

A popular idea is that the principal thing that sets humanity apart from the rest of the universe is that we are self aware, that we make the universe conscious of itself. But what is the point of being self aware if there is nothing but banality and ugliness to be aware of?

Valentine DeVille gives meaning to this universe for me. She touches the very innermost, the deepest part of me with her incomparable beauty and her natural intelligence. She touches my body, my heart and my soul with her confident sexuality. I am unspeakably grateful to her for acknowledging my existence and for allowing me to serve her in the small way I have been able to.


Why do YOU...

I crave to Serve GODdess Valentine DeVille for She is a Heavenly Creature that is the standard by which All other forms of Beauty are compared but NONE compare to HER Beauty. It is Obvious that SHE is to be Honored, Adored and Worshipped simply for being HER Perfect Self. I simply cannot get enough of HER Divine Beauty it simply keeps calling back to HER and I cannot resist and frankly I do not want to resist HER for SHE is my GODdess my New Religion and my Life.

I was captivated the first time I saw the Divine GODdess Valentine DeVille; Her Breathtaking Beauty Seized me Instantly. I had to see more of HER for that there was no doubt. I fell first for HER Long Thick Lustrous Golden Blond Hair for that is my primary weakness when it comes to Women. The fantasy that I might one day be allowed to assist HER with HER Beautiful Hair was Intriguing the thought of brushing it, washing it along with conditioning it, blow drying it, combing it, rolling it for HER, taking it out of the rollers when it was ready, and styling it for HER is still paramount in my little mind.

HER Beautiful Eyes seemed to communicate immediately with me creating a thrill within me that felt marvelous. I could see in a few seconds that this Divine Creature Deserved to be on a Pedestal without question being Pampered and Taken Care of Daily. I had already put HER a Pedestal myself. I have always felt that Beauty has its Privileges and the Divine GODdess Valentine DeVille is the most Beautiful Woman in the World with Unlimited Privileges. I could see with HER being the Ultimate Beauty in the World that there was nothing that I could deny HER. I also knew that I had to do my part to show my Adoration and my Desire to Worship HER in all of HER Glorious Divine Beauty. I simply had to serve HER to the Best of my Ability on a daily basis.

As I began to read the “The ESSENTIAL READINGS” I knew that SHE was not only Beautiful but SHE was an Intellectual Woman as well; HER mental capabilities astounded me. HER Beauty enabled HER to instantly get my attention and hold it. Then with HER Words of Wisdom coupled with HER Superb Manipulative Abilities and Power as Well SHE had me right where SHE wanted me and I wanted to be there as well.

I marvel at HER Philosophy for I could not have said it better and find myself in Total agreement with HER. HER Lifestyle is as it should be and increasing daily I feel with more funds for HER to have at HER disposal.

My Adulation is sincere and it is to the Glorification of YOUR Perfect Self my Divine GODdess Valentine DeVille.

Sissy Billy

Why do YOU...

I have been attracted to dominant women for as long as I can remember. However, this part of my sexuality has become more and more important over the last few years.

I believe my being attracted to dominant Ladies comes from the fact that my mother was very domineering; she bossed my father around, had a steady relationship with a lover for many years, and, on top of that, she had various summer flings during the holidays, while my father stayed at home working. So the first image of men I had growing up was that they are whiny creatures controlled by their women. When I was younger, I used to look for older, assertive, bitchy women who would fit my fantasy and recreate my mother's figure somehow. This went on until few months ago, although I was finding this pattern more difficult to recreate, also because I am getting older myself... Then suddenly something happened...

I stumbled into Goddess Valentine's website. It was a revelation, a revolution somehow.... a much younger Lady, powerful and sexy, that immediately occupied my mind, my thoughts, and took full power over my sexual desire. The image of perfection.... young blonde, bubbly, fresh, yet quite the opposite to dumb, brainless blondes. This girl knows what she wants and knows how to get it.... Her smile, the light in her eyes makes me weak at my knees.... and makes me want to make her happy. And if the only way to make her happy is to give her my money, then so be it.... which other way does a person like me have to turn Goddess Valentine on, to make her laugh, to contribute to her happiness?


Why do YOU...

I have always been a fantasizer and masturbator: fantasizing about Dominant Woman taking control of my life. I never had dates with the sexy, popular girls. I am short, overweight and bald; and not well endowed - not someone Women are attracted to.

I've been surfing the porn sites and found that what I really like is humiliation, and Financial Domination seemed to provide all the things I was looking for: Strong, Dominant and Very Sexual Women who humiliate their subjects through financial manipulation and rape. I always wanted to be controlled by someone, but never found in-person sessions to be satisfying. I've tried other Financial Dom's but they are all into (1) finding out what turns me on and (2) giving me just that. This quickly became boring and ineffective. What I want is to be controlled, not to be spoon-fed my fantasies.

Then I found GODdess Valentine's website. I was totally taken in by Her Beauty and Her Poise. She know Herself and does what SHE WANTS, not what Her slave wants. I found I got HARD everytime I sent Her Money. And the more money I sent Her, the HARDER I got! It is SO HUMILIATING to be financing Her Lifestyle while I stay home and save money for Her. What I get is some attention from a Beautiful, Domineering Woman. And I get a look into Her Extravagant Lifestyle. She is Amazing!


All images, texts and html coding on this website are the property of © copyright Valentine DeVille 2004-2010.